Sunday, February 3, 2013

Empower Network Direct Sales 30 Day Challenge


30 Day Direct Sales Challenge

    I’ve had several people ask me if Empower Network can really help build a Direct Sales business. Some of them sell Mary Kay, others Arbonne, Pampered Chef, some sell It Works, and I’ve even got a few Amway buddies! Most of them are only using the company replicated website with a little Facebook marketing thrown in. One thing they all have in common? None of them are making the real money they would LIKE to be making, so they are asking questions, lots of questions… Will the Empower Network work for my Direct Sales products? Can I sell other things besides the Empower Network on my blog? Can I link to other products I sell?

Let’s do an experiment and see what happens.

YOU can join me and see what happens for you, too! 1. You’ve got to use an Empower Network blog. The power of this blog is what makes it possible for this challenge to work. If you don’t have one… you can get one here. 2. Commit to at least 30 days of the challenge. It may take some time for your results to start showing up, but if you stick around for 30 days (doing the assignments below) you’ll see results. 3. Keep the Empower Network banners on your blog. It will be fun to see what makes more money… your direct sales or EN… even if you never say a word about EN in your posts or anywhere else. Like I said… it’s a little experiment.  Let’s see what happens. 4. Do a little keyword research for your products. If you’re not talking in a way someone’s searching it’s not worth doing. It doesn't have to be hard… here’s a quick video from a teammate.   That’s it… if you’re ready to jump in let’s do it. Direct Sales


Rebel Marketers’ 90 Days of Remarkable Transformation: Empower Network Action Assignments

Total Time to complete the Empower Network Action Assignments: 2 – 3 Hours If you have more time, spend it marketing “telling others,” learning the tools in your back office and studying then implementing our team tools. Always focus on 80% Action, 20% Learning It is better that you learn, but take massive action immediately even if it is not yet “perfect” because you will learn through practice, implementation and keeping this as simple as possible.


1) Read the above blog post and think about a product you love to use.  If you are not yet in Empower Network, join here and get access to your blogging platform right away so you can get started NOW:   Direct Sales


2) Write a blog post and share that product with your readers. What it is, why you love it, stories of using it etc. Include these action assignments in the bottom of your post. Make sure to share on your Twitter feed and G+ as soon as you Publish your blog post.


3) Share your blog post on your Facebook profile & Fan Page, as well as other social media sites that you use. Use the below option to share your blog on Facebook (you will not be able to post your link directly without the below options – choose one) (use to create an image for the link) Again, share on Twitter, G+, LinkedIN, Facebook through the Social Media Bar button at the top of your post


4) Take the subject of this post, and write a short introduction of your blog post for your team, and send them a link to your blog post through your Empower Network Back Office My Tools. This can also be sent as a Broadcast Email to your lead list through your auto-responder. If you do not yet have a team, start a conversation with at least 5-10 people on Facebook or other social media sites. (Hint: This is one of the MOST important things you can do, the more relationships you create with people who have enjoyable conversations with you… the more likely you will grow a team that STICKS, that works side by side with you… and that you ENJOY!)


5) Listen to an audio from the Inner Circle in your Back Office: Login in HERE to get access to this exclusive audio training series. If you are not yet a member, sign up here: Direct Sales  


6) Read your personal manifesto: Here is a copy of Napoleon Hill’s manifesto – insert your own changes and read aloud.


7) Please Like and Comment on this post, and make sure to include a link to your post so that we can Like and Comment on yours.


8) Of course the above Empower Network Action Assignments are important and should be done Daily, but this last one is a MUST. GET to the NEXT event! This is where you meet other successful people in Empower Network, get nuggets of gold to explode your business and have the opportunity to network with us and the leaders we know personally (this is invaluable) Login to your back office and click on the button “Get Money!” I’ll see you in Chicago where you’ll create your own Remarkable Transformation! Simply Succeed, PS-Who Are the Rebel Marketers, anyway? direct sales Want to Know More?

Do It Works Wraps Work?

Do It Works Wraps Work?


This sounds like a tongue twister, doesn't it? But it’s the question I get most often. Let me back up, in case you've never heard of this “Crazy Wrap” thing. The pitch goes like this:
Wear our wrap for 45 minutes and you’ll tighten, tone and firm your skin. A side benefit is you might even lose inches!

Who doesn't want that? Is there anyone who really says, “You know, I would prefer loose, flabby skin with the side benefit of gaining inches. Thanks, but no thanks.” The way it works is you put on a wrap, or body applicator, on to your “trouble spot,” typically your belly or thighs or butt. You can keep it in place with plastic wrap or form fitting clothes. The wrap is fabric infused with a gel that actually penetrates your skin and loosens the toxins from your fat cells. If your fat cells are smaller, your belly (or whatever) is smaller. You only wear the wrap for 45 minutes, but it keeps working for 72 hours. It’s really important to drink water, lots of water, to flush those toxins out!
Wow! That's amazing! And it's real. I love that this picture has a piercing because I think that would be really hard to photoshop.

Back to the question: Do It Works Wraps Work?

In a word, yes. People don't always see inch loss at first, for some it takes the full 72 hours. The first time I used a wrap, I lost 6 inches. I measured in 3 places, 2 inches above my belly button, right at my belly button and 2 inches below my belly button. But still, to lose 2 inches in my worst area ever? Awesome! My friend, who has "more stuffing than most" lost a total of 16 inches. Check out this one: I have to say, I like this type of "before and after" more than the ones that go from good to great. With this, you know they aren't lying...if they were, I suspect they would make it even more dramatic. Want to give it a try? You can either pay $99 for a box of 4 or you can become a Loyal Customer and get a box for $59. When you become a Loyal Customer you are committing to get autoshipments of at least 1 product per month for at least 3 months. If you quit early, there is a $50 fee. Our lowest priced product is the Fat Fighters for $23

Empower Network Direct Sales Challenge

Each day pick a product you like to share (aka sell). Write a blog post, include information about the product, and images, and a personal story you’ve got about using the product. Follow the Empower Network action steps at the bottom of the post to get the word out. Let’s see what happens.

Rules for the Empower Network Direct Sales Challenge:

1. You’ve got to use an Empower Network blog. The power of this blog is what makes it possible for this challenge to work. If you don’t have one… you can get one here.   2. Commit to at least 30 days of the challenge. It may take some time for your results to start showing up, but if you stick around for 30 days (doing the assignments below) you’ll see results. 3. Keep the Empower Network banners on your blog. It will be fun to see what makes more money… your direct sales or EN… even if you never say a word about EN in your posts or anywhere else. Like I said… it’s a little experiment. Let’s see what happens. 4. Do a little keyword research for your products. If you’re not talking in a way someone’s searching it’s not worth doing. It doesn't have to be hard… here’s a great video from a team member of mine. That’s it… if you’re ready to jump in let’s do it.

Rebel Marketers’ 90 Day’s of Remarkable Transformation:

Empower Network Action Assignments Total Time to complete the Empower Network Action Assignments: 2 – 3 Hours If you have more time, spend it marketing “telling others,” learning the tools in your back office and studying then implementing our team tools. Always focus on 80% Action, 20% Learning It is better that you learn, but take massive action immediately even if it is not yet “perfect” because you will learn through practice, implementation and keeping this as simple as possible. THINK 1) Read the above blog post and think about a product you love to use. If you are not yet in Empower Network, join here and get access to your blogging platform right away so you can get started NOW:   WRITE 2) Write a blog post and share that product with your readers. What it is, why you love it, stories of using it etc. Include these action assignments in the bottom of your post. Make sure to share on your Twitter feed and G+ as soon as you Publish your blog post. SHARE 3) Share your blog post on your Facebook profile & Fan Page, as well as other social media sites that you use. Use the below option to share your blog on Facebook (you will not be able to post your link directly without the below options – choose one) (use to create an image for the link) Again, share on Twitter, G+, LinkedIN, Facebook through the Social Media Bar button at the top of your post CONNECT 4) Take the subject of this post, and write a short introduction of your blog post for your team, and send them a link to your blog post through your Empower Network Back Office My Tools. This can also be sent as a Broadcast Email to your lead list through your auto-responder. If you do not yet have a team, start a conversation with at least 5-10 people on Facebook or other social media sites. (Hint: This is one of the MOST important things you can do, the more relationships you create with people who have enjoyable conversations with you… the more likely you will grow a team that STICKS, that works side by side with you… and that you ENJOY!) LISTEN 5) Listen to an audio from the Inner Circle in your Back Office: Login in HERE to get access to this exclusive audio training series. If you are not yet a member, sign up here:   READ 6) Read your personal manifesto: Here is a copy of Napoleon Hill’s manifesto – insert your own changes and read aloud. DISCUSS 7) Please Like and Comment on this post, and make sure to include a link to your post so that we can Like and Comment on yours. MASTERMIND 8) Of course the above Empower Network Action Assignments are important and should be done Daily, but this last one is a MUST. GET to the NEXT event! This is where you meet other successful people in Empower Network, get nuggets of gold to explode your business and have the opportunity to network with us and the leaders we know personally (this is invaluable) Login to your back office and click on the button “Get Money!” I’ll see you in Chicago where you’ll create your own Remarkable Transformation! To Your Own Amazing (EASY) Remarkable Transformation,   Share What's the Rebel Network, anyhow?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Facebook and Family - 1 Rule and 10 Guidelines for Your Teen on Facebook

Do kids and Facebook mix? Should you allow your child to be on Facebook? Is your child already on Facebook and you don't even know it? No matter how you look at it, Facebook and Family intersect, especially with a teen in the house.

Facebook Rules

First of all, Facebook has some very specific rules regarding kids. Here's the big one:
How old do you have to be to sign up for Facebook?
In order to be eligible to sign up for Facebook, you must be at least 13 years old.
According to Facebook Rules, I wouldn't set up an account for a child under 13. Not only is it a rule, I think 13 is an appropriate age when kids are very social, but able to *mostly* understand the implications and consequences of social networks like Facebook. A family I know held fast to this rule, and opening a Facebook page was the best birthday present their 13 year old daughter ever received!

Facebook Guidelines

Every family should have some guidelines for Facebook. Carefully consider guidelines that work for your family, and especially your child. You might consider writing up your guidelines as a contract, with spots for parents and kids to sign. Pick and choose what you like, but here's what I would recommend:

Parents Have the Password

You have complete access to every nook and cranny of your child's Facebook account. You must have the password so you can check it at any time. Make sure your kid knows you'll periodically be checking in. Then actually check in and let your child know what you saw. Do not save this for a time when you suspect something is wrong, make it a part of your weekly or monthly routine. Better yet, make it random and unexpected.

Your Kid is Responsible for What's on Their Timeline

Your child is responsible for what he or she posts, of course, but they are also responsible for what appears on their Timeline. If a friend posts something icky, they just need to hover over the post and a small arrow will appear on the right-hand side of the post. Click on that and a drop-down menu appears. Click "Hide..." From there, you can hide the post, that specific friend, or the app the post comes from. Perhaps you can have a family rule that if a friend creates inappropriate posts more than 3 times (or whatever), they must be unfriended.

Include Parents on Every Friend List

On Facebook, users can have multiple Friend Lists. You can have a list for close friends,  work friends, friends from your hometown, kids on your soccer team, students in your biology class, etc. You can have all sort of friends lists. When you create a post or put up a picture, you can select which friend list(s) to sent it to. You can also exclude users. As a parent, you must be on every friend list they have. Period.

Facebook is Forever

Whatever is posted on Facebook (or a blog, or Twitter) is Forever. You might delete a post, but it's already on Friends' Timelines. It's out there. A good way to show this is to get out a paper plate and a tube of toothpaste. Have them squeeze out a couple inches of toothpaste. Explain that the toothpaste represents Facebook posts. Now tell them one of those posts was a rude comment about a teacher, or a mean comment about a friend, or an embarrassing picture. Let them attempt to get the toothpaste back in the tube. They might be able to get some of it back in there, but it's impossible to put it all back. That's just like Facebook. You can even use this as a code word if your child is considering something that might be inflammatory. "Is that a toothpaste comment?"

Facebook and Your Future

One impact of the "Facebook is Forever" is that fact that Facebook can have an impact on your future. Help your child consider who might look at their Facebook posts in the future... employers, colleges, spouses, in-laws...children! Will  your teen totally understand this concept? Probably not...looking deep into the future is not generally the forte of the young.

Restrict What You Share

Remind your child that no matter what sort of security settings you set up, the change of Facebook information getting "out there" is very real. Never, ever, ever give out your address, phone number, or school. You might want to be cautious about sharing your hometown. Someone could use this information to track them down, to advertise to them, or just to scam them.

Friends Must Be Friends IRL (In Real Life)

A Facebook Friend count can be a powerful tool! Teens might accept Friend request from anyone, just to add to their number. Make a solid rule that any Facebook Friends must be Friend In Real Life (IRL).

Set Privacy Together

I'm not even going to go over all the privacy setting here, because it's very extensive and it changes all the time. Just do a quick Google search for "Facebook Privacy Settings." Just make sure what you are looking at is recent.

Set Consequences if Rules are Broken

As part of your guidelines, I highly recommend consequences if any of these rules are broken...starting with restricting Facebook use. A friend of mine even created a post on her daughter's timeline explaining what rule she broke and how long she would be off Facebook. Smart!

Don't Parent Online

I suppose this is kind of contrary to the guideline above, but don't parent online. Don't remind your kids they have shores to complete, or remind them a post isn't appropriate while on Facebook. Talk to them offline, or in real life, about issues. The information in this post is accurate at the time written. Facebook changes often! Share

Rebel Marketers’ 90 Days of Remarkable Transformation: Empower Network Action Assignments

Total Time to complete the Empower Network Action Assignments: 2 – 3 Hours If you have more time, spend it marketing “telling others,” learning the tools in your back office and studying then implementing our team tools. Always focus on 80% Action, 20% Learning It is better that you learn, but take massive action immediately even if it is not yet “perfect” because you will learn through practice, implementation and keeping this as simple as possible.


1) Read the above blog post and think about the best advice you have to share. You want to deliver real content to your readers. If you are not yet in Empower Network, join here and get access to your blogging platform right away so you can get started NOW:    


2) Write a blog post about your best advice and include these action assignments in the bottom of your post. Make sure to share on your Twitter feed and G+ as soon as you Publish your blog post.


3) Share your blog post on your Facebook profile & Fan Page, as well as other social media sites that you use. Use the below option to share your blog on Facebook (you will not be able to post your link directly without the below options – choose one) (use to create an image for the link) Again, share on Twitter, G+, LinkedIN, Facebook through the Social Media Bar button at the top of your post


4) Take the subject of this post, and write a short introduction of your blog post for your team, and send them a link to your blog post through your Empower Network Back Office My Tools. This can also be sent as a Broadcast Email to your lead list through your auto-responder. If you do not yet have a team, start a conversation with at least 5-10 people on Facebook or other social media sites. (Hint: This is one of the MOST important things you can do, the more relationships you create with people who have enjoyable conversations with you… the more likely you will grow a team that STICKS, that works side by side with you… and that you ENJOY!)


5) Listen to an audio from the Inner Circle in your Back Office: Login in HERE to get access to this exclusive audio training series. If you are not yet a member, sign up here:


6) Read your personal manifesto: Here is a copy of Napoleon Hill’s manifesto – insert your own changes and read aloud.


7) Please Like and Comment on this post, and make sure to include a link to your post so that we can Like and Comment on yours.


8) Of course the above Empower Network Action Assignments are important and should be done Daily, but this last one is a MUST.

GET to the NEXT event!

This is where you meet other successful people in Empower Network, get nuggets of gold to explode your business and have the opportunity to network with us and the leaders we know personally (this is invaluable) Login to your back office and click on the button “Are you Ready to Release Your Inner Badass?”
 PS-What are you waiting for? Jump in!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Was Banned from YouTube

i was banned-from-youtube Share Yes, I've joined the power players of Empower Network. I count myself among their ranks. Apparently, my YouTube videos are so amazing, so filled with secret content to boost your income, that I have been Banned from YouTube! What sort of crazy content have I been posting? Wild and crazy stuff...mostly me talking to the camera explaining why you should start a blog to boost your business. I know, can you believe it? What was I thinking?

Here's the scoop:

Some team of ne'er do wells has gone around flagging every single YouTube video that mentions, tags, or links to the Empower Network. Why? I'm not sure...just to be mean? Are they competitors? They don't like success? They've been flagging the Top 10 movers and shakers in Empower Network, along with everyone else. I'm part of the exclusive club, Banned From YouTube. (You know you should be saying that in a booming voice, right?) I think it's kind of wimpy collection of 10 videos that have had a couple views each...ah! So Dangerous! Those bad boys must have gone through pages and pages of YouTube results to find my videos. I have them all on my computer, so I'm really not wasn't a huge income stream or anything. However, I do feel awful for people who had hundreds of videos up or those who simply uploaded them to YouTube and now can't access them at all. At least with me, I had no warning...this morning I was just locked out of my YouTube account, Banned from YouTube! Our company founder, who appears to have money coming out his earns, is speaking with his lawyers about a possible lawsuit. Now, wouldn't that be exciting? Simply Succeed,   PS-Do you want to make money blogging? Watch this corny video to see how! Did you enjoy this blog post? Leave a comment at the bottom and click the button below to share it with others who may enjoy it, too. Sharing is caring! Share  

Would you like to be a part of this exciting team? See how to get your blog started for just $25 per month. You too, can be Banned from YouTube!

Rebel Marketers’ 90 Days of Remarkable Transformation: Empower Network Action Assignments

Total Time to complete the Empower Network Action Assignments: 2 – 3 Hours If you have more time, spend it marketing “telling others,” learning the tools in your back office and studying then implementing our team tools. Always focus on 80% Action, 20% Learning It is better that you learn, but take massive action immediately even if it is not yet “perfect” because you will learn through practice, implementation and keeping this as simple as possible.


1) Read the above blog post and think about what you or someone else is doing to sabotage your success. If you are not yet in Empower Network, join here and get access to your blogging platform right away so you can get started NOW: Direct Sales  


2) Write a blog post about the how you or someone else has been sabatoging your success and what you are going to do about it! Include these action assignments in the bottom of your post. Make sure to share on your Twitter feed and G+ as soon as you publish your blog post.


3) Share your blog post on your Facebook profile & Fan Page, as well as other social media sites that you use. Use the below option to share your blog on Facebook (you will not be able to post your link directly without the below options – choose one) (use to create an image for the link) Again, share on Twitter, G+, LinkedIN, Facebook through the Social Media Bar button at the top of your post


4) Take the subject of this post, and write a short introduction of your blog post for your team, and send them a link to your blog post through your Empower Network Back Office My Tools. This can also be sent as a Broadcast Email to your lead list through your auto-responder. If you do not yet have a team, start a conversation with at least 5-10 people on Facebook or other social media sites. (Hint: This is one of the MOST important things you can do, the more relationships you create with people who have enjoyable conversations with you… the more likely you will grow a team that STICKS, that works side by side with you… and that you ENJOY!)


5) Listen to an audio from the Inner Circle in your Back Office: Login in HERE to get access to this exclusive audio training series. If you are not yet a member, sign up here:
Direct Sales


6) Read your personal manifesto: Here is a copy of Napoleon Hill’s manifesto – insert your own changes and read aloud.


7) Please Like and Comment on this post, and make sure to include a link to your post so that we can Like and Comment on yours.


8) Of course the above Empower Network Action Assignments are important and should be done Daily, but this last one is a MUST.

GET to the NEXT event!

This is where you meet other successful people in Empower Network, get nuggets of gold to explode your business and have the opportunity to network with us and the leaders we know personally (this is invaluable) Login to your back office and click on the button “Are you Ready to Release Your Inner Badass?” Simply Succeed, P.S. Who The Heck are the “Rebel Marketers” anyway??
Direct Sales

Pinterest Pet Peeves - Don't MakPinterest Pet Peeves - Don't Make These 4 Pinterest Mistakese These 4 Pinterest Mistakes

Pinterest Pet Peeves


I think we all have some Pinterest Pet Peeves, those little things that get under our skin when we using our favorite website. PLEASE don’t make these pinterest mistakes. Whether you are a new Pinner or a seasoned Pinerista (I just made that up) make sure you are NOT making these simple mistakes.These are my 4 Pinterest Pet Peeves!

Pinterest Pet Peeve #1

Don't post an image from google that doesn’t go back to the original site

How many times have you clicked on a pin to get directions for a cute DIY project or a delicious recipe only to find it simply links to a picture? How am I supposed to make world famous Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Coloured Polka Dot Rotini (actual recipe title from

Pinterest Perfect: When you find something you want to pin, just copy the URL and paste it when you "Add +."

Pinterest Pet Peeve #2

Don't post the generic URL instead of the URL for the Specific Blog Post

Using the recipe idea, even though I don't cook, if you find something great on, don't just paste the url.

Pinterest Perfect: Find the actual blog post with the actual recipe and link to that instead. Everyone will thank you!

Pinterest Pet Peeve #3

Don't use Random, Generic or Unspecific Boards on Pinterest

If you have a Home Decor board with funny cat pictures on it, people will be confused. Confused people will stop following you. Don't confuse people.

Pinterest Perfect: Try to give your boards specific titles for a specific purpose.

Pinterest Pet Peeve #4

Don't leave the description section blank

People find your pins by seeing them on your board OR by searching for them. If the description just says, "Funny" you aren't spreading the cheer like you could.

Pinterest Perfect: Super simple! Just make sure the description area is filled in. Give some detail for those using the search function. Don't be afraid to say exactly why you pinned it. Do you love the color? Have you actually visited that locale? Details, people, details!

What's your Pinterest Pet Peeve? Leave it in the comment section below!

Simply Succeed,

PS-Do you want to make money blogging? Watch this corny video to see how!

Did you enjoy this blog post? Leave a comment at the bottom and click the button below to share it with others who may enjoy it, too. Sharing is caring!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

How to Use Pinterest for Beginners

How to Use Pinterest for Beginners  
Have you been hearing whispers about Pinterst? Or maybe one of your friends no longer leaves the house due to a Pinterest obsession? What’s the big deal about Pinterest?

You'd like to get in on this, but you don't want your friends to know you don't know. Here's your secret spot to get the inside scoop on How to Use Pinterest. 

Pinterest is like a virtual pinboard where you can “pin” images, websites and blog posts on to your own personal pin boards. You can also follow other pinners and repin their great ideas. Pinboards are based on a specific topic you set, such as Christmas Decorating, Organizing Projects, Funny Stuff, Inspirational Quotes, or Travel. The Pinboard ideas are endless.

 Follow these 5 simple steps and you'll be TEACHING others How to Use Pinterest in no time!

How To Use Pinterest

Step 1-Set Up Your Pinterest Account

Just go to and click on the “Join Pinterest” button, currently located on the top of the page (things change sometimes, you know!). You’ll then be prompted to select a user name. It’s totally up to you if you’d like to use your real name or not. I do suggest you try to match it with your other social media names to make it easier for people to find and follow you. Next, add an image. This can be an actual picture of you, which is the most popular option, or it can be any image you choose! Fill out your profile as completely as you’d like, with or without a description.

Step 2-Set Up a Few Pinboards

Think about what kind of things you like and set up your first 3 to 5 Pinboards. Go to the top right hand corner, near your image, and click on “Add +.” Then you’ll have 3 choices…add a pin, upload a pin, and create a board. Click on “Create a Board.” Enter a name for your board. You may be as specific as you’d like. I have a board called “Travel.” However, if you l-o-v-e travel, you might want “European Travel” and “Austrailia” and “Camping.” Keep in mind, you can always add new boards and edit the names of your current boards. If you’d like, you can add a description of your board. This will help people find your board and know why they should follow this particular board. Then, just click “Create Board.”

Step 3-Pin, Pin, Pin a Day Away

This is where the real fun begins. Scroll through the images and when you see what you like, click on it. You’ll now see a larger version of that image and the description. When you hover over the image, you’ll see two buttons at the top. One says “Like” which just means you “like” that image. However, most people click the other button that says “Repin.” At that point, you can select which of your pinboards you’d like to pin it on, or you can scroll to the bottom of that list to make a new pinboard ( I currently have 83 boards). You’ll also see the description the original pinner used. You can keep that or change it. It’s totally up to you. Then you just click “Pin In.” PS-Some people “Pin First, Read Later” while some people “Read First, Pin Later.” It’s totally your preference.

Step 4-Find Friends

You will be ah-MAZED at how many people you already know who are on Pinterest. You might even been a tiny bit mad…why didn’t anyone tell me about this? Why am I the last to know? Anyhow, when you get started on Pinterest, it uses your Facebook, Twitter and email accounts to find people you already know. You’ll see their picture, name, and a “Follow” button. If you are just starting out, click follow for anyone you want. At that point, all of their pins and boards will show up on your Pinterest. If you’re a little picky, click on their name and check out what kind things they pin. You can choose to “Follow All” or just click on an individual board and follow just that board. The more people you follow, the more pins you see. At the height of my obsession, I was refreshing every 3 minutes, hoping for something new. If nothing new showed up, I knew it was time to follow more folks!

Step 5-Use the Pinterest Search Bar

If you have a particular topic you’re interested in, go up to the top left side and write the topic in the search box and click enter. At the top of your results, you’ll see 3 choices…Pins, Boards, or Pinners. If you are looking for specific pins, click that. If you are looking for entire boards to follow, click boards. If you are looking for Pinners, just click that. Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

Any Questions on How to Use Pinterest?

I’m working on a post with Pinterest Tips for “Just Beyond Beginners” or "Pinterest for Mediums." Well, no, that sounds like it's for people with ESP. Maybe "Pinterest 102." So come back often for more information. I’d love for you to write your question in the comment box and I’ll be sure to answer them in my next post. Until then, Happy Pinning!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Simply Succeed,
 PS-Do you want to make money blogging about your latest obsession, like Pinterest? Watch this corny video to see how! 

 Did you enjoy this blog post? Leave a comment at the bottom and click the button below to share it with others who may enjoy it, too. Sharing is caring!


How I Tripled My Blog Traffic Using Pinterest


Earlier this week I set a goal of 100 blog visitors per day. I was averaging 30-40 a day with a high of 57, so it was a pretty big goal.

My traffic the last 3 days have been 136, 287, and 319 visits per day. Yep, that's an average of 247 in the last 3 days. And as you can see from the graph below, it's steadily on the rise!

How did I triple my traffic with Pinterest?

Actually it more than quintupled, but that just seems like a weird title.

Nearly all my new traffic came from Pinterst. And guess what? It wasn't even from things I pinned this week! It was from a few select pins I put up a few weeks ago.

I poured over my stats to figure out what went RIGHT and here's what I found:

My secret Pinterest Traffic Tips!

Image is Everything

Pinterest is a visual medium. You MUST have an eye catching image. You can easily make your own image using a free, simple program, like Paint or even Publisher. I highly recommend you include a caption on your photo. You can also create a meme, if it works with your blog post. Your images don't have to be perfect, but they do need to catch interest.

Make it Short and Sweet

Pinterest users have notoriously short attention spans. On occasion, pinners will read long blog posts, but typically, they like and share information that’s short and sweet.

Consider Your Audience

Do the people you follow and people who follow you enjoy DIY tips? Organization ideas? Recipes? If you can, target your blog posts to the types of pins your audience likes.

Post a Wide Variety of Pins

However, do not become a one pin-wonder. Pin on a variety of topics. You can often draw in a wider audience that way. Most people will “follow all” when they choose to follow your boards. That way, they are following your DIY pins, for example, then they will also follow the pins that promote your business.
Follow Others and Repin Often

This is a little bit controversial, but I think it’s best if you actually get into Pinterest…follow other pinners, pin their pins, plus add plenty of your own pins that aren’t related to your product or business. Just like Facebook, if you flood your boards with only marketing pins, you won’t have any followers. I suggest a 1:4 ratio of marketing pins to “other” pins.

Once you Find a Pin that Works, Replicate It!

The one pin that went pretty big (for me at least), was about Money Saving Tips at the Great Wolf Lodge.  This pin is about saving money, family vacations, and a well known place people are searching for. Guess what I'll be blogging about in the future? Saving money, family vacations, and a well known place people are searching for!

Like all internet marketing and traffic strategies, there is a luck factor to it, being in the right place at the right time, having one or two influential pinners pin your item. But, if you follow these steps, you'll be much more likely to hit that sweet spot and you too can Triple, Quadruple  and Quintuple your traffic for FREE!

What advice do you have to market you business on Pinterest? Please share your ideas in the comments section below!

Simply Succeed,

PS-Do you want to make money blogging? Watch this corny video to see how!

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